Today we have the pleasure of bringing you another interview with an accomplished scientist. European Alliance for Innovation already had a pleasant experience working with professor Liljana Gavrilovska as a speaker or a general chair at some of our conferences. This year we are working with her on the FABULOUS 2016 conference on Future Access Enablers of Ubiquitous and Intelligent Infrastructures, where she is the general co-chair. The event will be held in Belgrade, Serbia, October 24–26, 2016. Prof. Gavrilovska is Head of the Institute of Telecommunications at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia. We asked her to share some insight about working with us on the conference, but also about the current situation in the field of future networks.
How would you summarize your experience from being the General Chair for the first FABULOUS conference in 2015?
Being the General Chair for the first FABULOUS conference that took place in Ohrid, Macedonia, was an exciting experience. The conference gathered scientists from Europe and broader. We had excellent keynote speakers, high quality submitted papers and interesting and well-attended sessions. The accepted papers are already published in Springer Lecture notes. Several best papers were chosen for the MONET edition. The first FABULOUS conference was a successful event that promises thrive for the future FABULOUS conferences.
Your research revolves primary around networks. What subfield of these studies currently attracts most attention among students and young generation of scientists?

The future networks are expansively developing area. The most attention attracts the future wireless networks such as 5G that cover broad research areas from PHY/MAC layers to different services and applications; innovative network concepts ranging from IoT to IoE that include novel network infrastructure (cloud, fog and mist), environmental awareness and green aspects; SDN/NFV, as a novel resource management and virtualization approach; smart environments and security.
The activity of scientific community is obviously necessary for faster development of the Internet of Things. Is there some other major factor, which can boost the progress in this field?
Except the scientific achievements, the standardization bodies that release standards related to new devices, systems, and platforms can provide the IoT paradigms’ significant boost. Also, the impressive number of the new developed applications, awareness of the technology capabilities and technical literacy of the population and strategic investments in this field can speed up the upcoming new technology era (IoE- Internet of Everything).
The scope of FABULOUS conference seems rather broad. What does this event aim to achieve? What are you expectations?
The aim of the FABULOUS previous and future editions is to cover the most innovative technologies and concepts and to develop platform for exchanging the latest research results, spreading innovative ideas in the Balkan and South-East Europe region. As an EAI conference hopefully later it will find its way to the global audience.
FABULOUS 2016 is still accepting papers. Learn more about the submissions here.