News on 5G from MONAMI 2015

MONAMI 2015, the Seventh EAI International Conference on Mobile Networks and Management, took successfully place last week in Santander, Spain. The event was hosted at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales y de Telecomunicación of the Universidad de Cantabria and focused on the latest advances in the field the mobile communication, with a special attention on the development of the new 5G networks.

During the event, in an interview to a Spanish TV broadcast, the General Chair Prof. Ramón Agüero Calvo explained the necessity to accelerate the passage to the 5G in view of the growing and growing traffic in the mobile network.

Dr. Milos Tesanovic and Prof. Ramón Agüero Calvo
Dr. Milos Tesanovic and Prof. Ramón Agüero Calvo

Dr. Milos Tesanovic (Samsung), one of the top worldwide experts in mobiles, participated in the event adding a further valuewith his keynote speech. Dr. Tesanovic especially examined the basic requirements that the research on the 5th generation of mobile networks must take in consideration, such as:

  • a distributed and flat architecture;
  • the multi-RAT nature of the future environment;
  • issues related to the spectrum sharing between access, fronthaul and backhaul;
  • ultra-dense deployments.

Dr. Josep Mangues-Bafalluy, Head of the Communication Networks Division of the Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), completed the picture of the state-of-the-art giving a clear view of the main factors and the new principles determining the quick development of the networks within the ‘new quest for networking gold’.

A tutorial on HTTP Adaptive Video Streaming and Quality of Experience was presented by Dr. Michael Seufert, Chair of Communication Networks at the Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg. The tutorial was aimed at giving a view on how changing network conditions can affect video streaming in Internet and users’ experience.

Gabriela Ciocarlie, Best Paper Award
Gabriela Ciocarlie, Best Paper Award

Last but not least, the core of MONAMI 2015 were the submitted papers, which showed the pathway the research is going towards. Two researches presented at the First Session on Cellular Network Management and Self-Organizing Networks, won the Best Paper and the Best Student Paper Awards. ‘Alarm Prioritization and Diagnosis for Cellular Networks’ is the title of the Best Paper presented by Gabriela Ciocarlie from SRI International. ‘A Predictive Model for Minimising Resource Usage in Radio Access Networks’ is the research by E. Carolan, Maynooth University, awarded as the Best Student Paper.

Research and Innovation in technology are going fast, be sure not to miss this train, stay tuned to EAI.