Category: Serious Games

Dynamic Serious Games Balancing

Dynamic Game Balancing (DGB) is the process of real-time adjustment of game parameters so that the faced challenges fit the player’s ability, therefore keeping him/her in the flow. This way the

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Location-based Games

With the massification of smartphones and improvements in the location-awareness of these devices, digital games are moving out from within the digital device to the surrounding environment. Games like Geocatching and

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Serious Games for STEM Learning

STEM is an acronym used to represent the educational areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics and it is typically used when addressing education policy and practice. The term was

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Serious Games for Health

Serious games for health are games that have a “serious” purpose pertaining to healthcare. They are aimed at improving the physical, mental and well-being of individuals. Serious health games were

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Serious Games Evaluation

Evaluation is the systematic and objective assessment of an ongoing or completed activity or project and/or its resulting products. The aim is to determine the relevance and fulfilment of objectives,

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Didactic aspects of game-based learning

Modern, efficient approaches to learning are student-centred, motivational, problem-based, directed to higher ordered educational goals, and often supported by ICT. Serious games can integrate most of the characteristics mentioned above.

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Are Serious Games really Games?

A game is a goal-directed and competitive activity conducted within a framework of agreed rules (Lindley 2003). Or “A game is a system in which players engage in an artificial

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