Prof. Liljana Gavrilovska: FABULOUS conference deserves its name

Prof. Liljana Gavrilovska, General Chair of FABULOUS 2015
Prof. Liljana Gavrilovska, General Chair of FABULOUS 2015

Dr. Liljana Gavrilovska is currently a professor and Head of the Institute of Telecommunications at Ss Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, where she had received her PhD. She is also Head of the Center for Wireless and Mobile Communications (CWMC), working in the area of telecommunication networks and wireless and mobile communications. Her major research interests span from cognitive radio networks to future mobile systems. She has authored and co-authored more than 150 research journals and conference publications, technical papers and several books, and participated in numerous EU and NATO funded projects, as well as several domestic research and applicative projects.

She serves as a Chair of the Macedonian ComSoc Chapter and, last but not least, is the General Chair of Fabulous 2015, the first International Conference on Future Access Enablers of Ubiquitous and Intelligent Infrastructures. We talked to her to find out if the name is justified.

The name of the conference sets the bar quite high indeed. What will make it fabulous? 

The quality of the invited lecturers will guarantee top-notch presentations and initiation of fruitful discussions in the ICT areas that have lately been of utmost interest. Additionally, the experience of the members of the Technical Program Committee will guarantee peer-review and selection of papers of the highest quality. Last but not least, the beautiful background of the host city will make sure that every aspect of the conference retains the ‘fabulous’ tag.

The scope of the conference and its topics is quite broad. What will be the main focus of the first edition?

The scope and the focus of the conference are intentionally broad. This is the first EAI endorsed conference in Macedonia, and the idea was to allow innovative and SoA development in wireless and ICT technologies to be presented from the closer perspectives to the region. It also provides a platform where regional researchers can present their work to an international auditorium, and boost networking among peer groups. The main focus of the first edition will be on future wireless and core network solutions, which will pave the way towards 5G and beyond.

What research questions and areas do you, personally, consider to be the most exciting and most important for the near future of the field?

I could choose several topics as the most exciting and important ones that will design these areas’ research roadmaps in the near future; Network coexistence; SDN/NFV that will provide scalable, agile, adaptive and cost efficient core network solutions; mmWave and massive MIMO technologies; massive access (M2M, D2D and IoT); novel spectrum allocation and regulations; energy and spectrum efficiency; novel communication concepts (e.g. cloud, grid, fog computing); and intelligent infrastructures.